Thursday, February 21, 2013

The writing is on the wall

Well color me surprised... Cononical the company that sponsors the Ubuntu Linux distribution has yet to make one dollar in profit. That is correct folks after eight years they have not seen a single profitable quarter. Red Hat on the other hand has seen over a billion in profit for 2012. Some day Mr Shuttleworth's patience and or money is going to run out and that will be the end of desktop Linux. Well not for me, maybe not for you but certainly for people that would be better off using Windows anyway. I want my Linux litmus test back! I want the endless September to actually finally end!

Monday, November 12, 2012

No wireless for you! You get ethernet!

Repeat after me, wireless networks are a privilege not a right! I am sick onto death of clueless neophytes that naively believe that wireless networking is the panacea for getting on the interwebs. You can almost hear them now "I just don't understand why I cant get connected to my wireless router? I only live in a condo with steal studs in the walls underneath high power tension lines and oh I have floor to ceiling wall mirrors in every room and the router is down in the concrete lead lined basement. Did I forget to mention also that and my PC is on the roof of my 5 story building in a Faraday cage... I should be able to get online right? right?

But wait there is more! Forget about unreasonable expectations for the moment and consider also we have the just plain irresponsible. So imagine one day you cant get your xbox or other gaming system connected to your wireless network because it tells you the password is wrong. So what do you do? Do you try and find out what the password is... No you call Microsoft xbox support who has no fucking clue what your wireless network password is. You might as well call the car dealership you bought your car at and bitch them out because they don't know where you... you mind you lost your car keys!

So the xbox phone monkey does his or her best to help find out what is your responsibility to already know, your... I repeat your wireless password. The exception to this is those poor souls with the Arris TG862, in which case you are in hell and no one can help you. Anyway so the tech tries to get you logged into your router but you fail every step of the way. First the tech needs to know what the make and model of the router or gateway is so they can look up the log in info to gain access to the firmware. Guess what, you don't know... fine, fair enough I don't know the exact identity of everything I own but I sure as hell could find out. For you it is really simple, you move your fat ass over to the router and you look at it, wait it gets better. You use your barely usable reading skills courtesy of your public education to read the manufacturer name and model to the tech. Note this seems to exceed the abilities of a great many of you.

If by some miracle of minimal reading comprehension you manage to provide the tech with the make and model there are more road blocks caused by you ahead. Note failure get the make and model  is like responding that you don't know what kind of car you have and could find out by looking at it, yeah that lame. So the tech now knows the make and model and looks up its default IP address, he could get this from the command line but he does not want you to die of freight, at least no yet. Now he asks you to enter the IP address into your web browser but oh nos the browser treats it as a Google or Bing or Yahoo or whatever search. So instead of seeing the log in page for your router you see search results ranked by popularity... not what we want and you know why this happened. One of two reasons, one you are a tard and are typing the IP address into a search bar. Yes that address bar has been there for 20 fraking years staring you in the face but I guess the notion of actually manually typing in a URL is something completely foreign and alien to you. I bet you don't remember any one's phone number ether.

The second possibility is also you guessed it your fault.  You have loaded up your browser with addons that are as useful at tits on a bull. Many of these "helpful" addons treat everything entered into the browser as a search query. Kind of like having training wheels welded to your bike and just as useful in the long run.

However lets imagine we some how get past all of this and find out what the wireless password is. We enter it into the xbox and get you connected. Know what you are likely to say at this point, "why does xbox make it so difficult to get connected" Guess logic ain't your strong suit, but hey we already knew that didn't we. This mind numbing stupidity and willful belligerent ignorance on your part is not what really upsets me. No what really upsets me is that you probably have had children!

Jeff Foxworthy was fond of saying here is your sign, well buddy here is your cable, you might as well super glue it to her console.